Create Account


1. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???? ????????????????????????????????? ?.?.2550
Do not break any Thai law that relate with the computers s.a. "Act of Parliament about the computers 2007"

2. ?????????????? , ??????????????? ??????????????????????????????????? ????????????? ??????????
Monarchical topics are strongly prohibited.

3. ????????????????????????????????????????
Please avoid political attitude discussion.

4. ?????????? ?????? ????? ????????? ??????????????
No argument, complain, vulgar and sarcastic.

5. ???????????????????????
Do not violate private right.

6. ????????? ????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????? ??????????????????????? ????????????????????? Admin ???? Moderator ????????????????????????????????????????
?????? ????????????????? ???????(????????,?????,??????,????????? ? ???????) ???????? ????????????????? Boardgame Market ????????
Commercial and advertisement in the topics, replies, signatures and account profiles are prohibited. The violator will be banned and deleted immediately.
Except the boardgames ??Hobby Model etc. and related stuff are allowed in the Boardgame Market Room or any permission from the admin or moderator.

7. ?????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????
All topics and articles that are not related with the room will be move without or with notice.

8. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
We will not be responsible for any financial transaction between the members.

9. ????????????????????? ?????????????
Troll, Spammer and BOT will be deleted and Banned

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